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You know how it is. Someone suggested you set up a practice Facebook account. You dipped your toe in the water and then you were off, posting every day and having a whale of a time. But did you ever go back and sort out the really important stuff? Here are a few housekeeping essentials that will make life easier and may even be good for business.

1. Use the button
There’'s a button facility on your Facebook page that allows you to add various calls to action. At the moment it’s a blue button at the top right of your page. There are options to book now, call now, learn more and lots of other choices. Make sure you’'re using it and experiment with the call to action that performs best for you.
2. About
Make sure you fill in ALL your ‘About’ details including address, opening hours, a link to your website and a telephone number.
3. Header Image
Remember that your header image can be changed regularly. You might want to use a design app like Canva to ensure the header banner is more personalised to the practice. Don’t forget to also ring the changes with some seasonal banners, or to highlight new products or services.
4. House rules
Hopefully all the people who post on your page always behave well. Sadly that's rarely the case. By creating some House Rules that define the standards of behaviour you expect on your page,
you not only protect your brand but the responsible members of your community too. It can be useful when moderating posts to refer to your House Rules.
There are some complex ways to create a House Rules tab or alternatively you can post your House Rules on your Notes page within Facebook.
5. Set up ‘Pages to Watch’
It can be very useful to add up to five pages to benchmark your performance against within the Insights section of your page. You can choose pages by selecting from practices that you think are performing well on social, your main competitors, or businesses targeting similar audiences to you (the local pet shop for instance). If you see sudden movements in the number of posts or the engagement on these pages this could suggest that they are working on customer acquisition so you might want to think about how you should respond. It can also help you gauge the potential for your page to perform at similar levels where the other pages are competing for similar audiences.
6. See yourself as others see you
When you’ve completed everything remember that if you click on the MORE button you have the option to view your page as a Page visitor would see it – it’s always worth a sense check to make sure you are happy with it.
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